Caravaggio Gallery
To order an oil-on-canvas reproduction online click on
the image of the painting.
David and Goliath | Death of the Virgin |
Supper at Emmaus |
Boy Bitten by a Lizard |
Rest on the Flight into Egypt | Inspiration of Saint Matthew | Fortune Teller | Adoration of the Shepherds |
Judith Beheading Holofernes |
Entombment |
Musicians |
Burial of St. Lucy |
Martyrdom of St. Ursula | Medusa | Flagellation of Christ |
Ecce Homo |
Conversion of St. Paul | St. John the Baptist II | Conversion of Mary Magdalene |
David with the Head of Goliath |
Alof de Wignacourt | Cupid | Nativity with Saints Francis and Lawrence |
Sacrifice of Isaac II |
Tooth Puller | St. Catherine of Alexandria | Flagellation of Christ II |
St. John the Baptist III |
Martha and Mary Magdalene | Conversion of Paul II | Matthew and the Angel |
Crowning with Thorns I |
To order an oil-on-canvas reproduction online click on
the image of the painting.
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