
Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio Catalog

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The following titles are some of the Caravaggio paintings available for  
reproduction.  To have any of the paintings below reproduced or if there is a 
painting you are interested in but is not listed below, you can reach us at  
888.284.9671 (801.446.1239 internationally) or Sales@CanvasReplicas.com. 

Allegory of the Elements, the Universe and Signs of the Zodiac

Amor Victorious 1602-03


Beheading of Saint John the Baptist

Boy Bitten by a Lizard

Boy Peeling a Fruit

Boy with a Basket of Fruit

Boy with a Basket of Fruit (Giovane con un cesto di frutta)

Burial of St Lucy

Calling of St. Matthew (Vocazione di san Matteo)

Christ at the Column c. 1607

Christ Crowned by Thorns, c.1602

Christ in the Garden 1603

Conversion of Saint Paul

Conversion of St. Paul

Crouching Boy

Crucifixion of Saint Peter

Crucifixion of St. Peter (Crocifissione di san Pietro)



David 1606-07

David with the Head of Goliath

Death of the Virgin

Deposition (Deposizione nel sepolcro)

Doubting Thomas

Dying Slave

Ecce Homo

Flagellation of Christ

Fortune Teller (La buona ventura)

Judith and Holofernes

Judith Beheading Holofernes

Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto

Lute Player

Madona di Loreto

Madonna and Child with a Serpent, 1605

Madonna del Rosario 1607

Madonna Palafrenieri

Madonna with the Serpent 1606

Magdalene 1596-97

Martha and Mary Magdalene

Martyrdom of St. Matthew (Martirio di san Matteo)

Martyrdom of St. Ursula

Mary Magdalene

Medusa, Painted on a Leather Jousting Shield


Nativity with Saints Francis and Lawrence

On the Road to Calvary

Penitent Magdalene


Portrait of a Courtesan

Portrait of Alof de Wignacourt

Portrait of Maffeo Barberini 1599

Rest During the Flight into Egypt

Rest on the Flight into Egypt (Riposto durante la fuga in Egitto)

Resurrection of Lazarus

Sacrifice of Isaac (Sacrificio di Isacco)

Saint Francis in Meditation

Salome with the Head of St John the Baptist

Salome with the Head of the Baptist

Seven Works of Mercy

Sick Bacchus

Sleeping Cupid 1608

St Catherine of Alexandria

St Francis in Ecstasy

St John The Baptist 1610

St. Francis

St. Francis in Ecstasy

St. Jerome

St. Jerome 1607

St. Jerome Writing

St. John the Baptist

St. John the Baptist at the Well

St. John the Baptist I

St. Matthew and the Angel

St. Matthew and the Angel 1602

Still Life

Still Life with a Basket of Fruit

Still Life with Flowers and Fruit

Supper at Emmaus

Supper at Emmaus II

Taking of Christ

The Adoration of the Shepherds

The Annunciation

The Burial of St. Lucy

The Calling of Saint Matthew

The Cardsharps (I Bari)

The Concert

The Conversion of St Paul

The Conversion of St. Paul

The Conversion of the Magdalene

The Conversion on the Way to Damascus

The Creation of Adam

The Creation of Eve

The Creation of the Sun and Moon

The Crowning with Thorns

The Crucifixion of St Andrew

The Crucifixion of St. Peter

The Crucifixion of St. Peter, detail of St. Peter, 1600-01

The Death of the Virgin 1606

The Decapitation of St. John the Baptist, 1608

The Denial of St. Peter

The Entombment 1602-03

The Fall of Man and the Expulsion from the Garden of Eden

The Flagellation of Christ

The Flood

The Fortune Teller

The Holy Family with St. John the Baptist

The Inspiration of Saint Matthew

The Last Judgment

The Lute Player c. 1600

The Martyrdom of St. Matthew

The Martyrdom of St. Ursula

The Musicians 1595-96

The Punishment of Haman

The Raising of Lazarus

The Sacrifice of Isaac 1601-02

The Sacrifice of Isaac 1605

The Separation of Land and Water

The Separation of Light and Darkness

The Seven Acts Of Mercy

The Sick Bacchus, 1591

The Sick Bacchus, detail of Peaches and Grapes, 1591

The Supper at Emmaus

The Taking of Christ c. 1598

The Tooth Drawer 1607-09

The Young Bacchus, c.1589

Virgin and Child

Visit the Caravaggio Gallery or return to the Directory of Artists

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