James Tissot Gallery III
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Rendezvous | Lord's Prayer | Elijah Fed by the Ravens | Confessions of Longin |
Wise Men Journeying to Bethlehem |
They Parted His Raiment and Cast Lots |
Solomon and His Harem |
Peter and John Follow Afar Off |
Jesus Enters Jerusalem on Palm Sunday |
Centurion Glorifies God |
Moses' Rod is Turned into a Serpent |
Jesus Ministered to by Angels |
Christ Healing the Ear of Malchus |
Crown of Thorns |
Jesus Teaching by the Seashore |
Jews' Passover |
Christ Foretelling the Destruction of the Temple |
Two Blind Men Healed at Capernaum |
Healing of the Ten Lepers |
Scourging of the Back |
Tribute Money |
Christ Sending Out the Seventy Disciples |
Joseph of Arimathea |
Jesus Sitting in the Midst of the Doctors |
Jesus Found in the Temple |
Pharisees and Herodians Take Counsel Against Jesus |
Priests Ask Jesus by Whose Authority He Acts |
Jesus Teaching in the Synagogue |
Mordecai's Triumph |
Pharaoh Sueth to Moses |
Plague of Flies |
Christ Goes to the Mountain to Pray |
Jesus Has Supper with Matthew |
Jesus Preaches the Sermon on the Mount |
Healing the Lame in the Temple |
Aged Simeon |
Nicodemus |
Sick Were Brought Out to Him in the Villages |
Departure of the Prodigal Child from Venice, 1863 |
Moses and the Burning Bush |
God is Near the Afflicted |
High Priest Rends His Clothes |
Barabbas |
Jacob Sees Esau Coming to Meet Him |
Flight into Egypt |
Joshua Commandeth the Sun to Stand Still |
Soul of the Penitent Thief in Paradise |
First Nail |
Dead Bodies Thrown Outside the Temple |
Joseph Seeks Lodging at Bethlehem |
Adoration of the Shepherds |
David Quits Jerusalem |
Jesus Meets His Mother |
Jesus Stripped of His Raiment |
David Cuts off the Head of Goliath |
Elijah Bringeth Fire from Heaven |
Ecce Homo! |
Widow's Mite |
Aaron |
Birth of Jesus Christ |
Simon the Cyrenian, Compelled to Bear the Cross |
Jesus Taken Up Onto a High Mountain |
Simon of Cyrene and His Two Sons |
Raising of the Widow's Son |
Fire from Heaven Consumes the Sacrifice |
Without a Dowry (Sunday in the Luxembourg Gardens)
Exodus |
To order an oil-on-canvas reproduction online click on
the image of the painting.
Visit the other James Tissot Galleries:
James Tissot Gallery I James Tissot Gallery II
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