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Flowers and Fruit | Basket of Roses | Self Portrait |
White Cup and Saucer | Birth of Christ | Nasturtiums |
Dark Roses | White Roses | Edouard Manet |
Plate of Apples | Spring Flowers | LeSoir |
All of the works above and many more from Henri Fantin-Latour are available for order. If you
would like to purchase one of the Fantin-Latour reproductions shown above, click on the painting.
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The following titles are some of the Henri Fantin-Latour paintings available for
reproduction. To have any of the paintings below reproduced or if there is
a painting you are interested in but is not listed below, you can reach us at
888.284.9671 (801.446.1239 internationally) or
Adolphe Jullien Alphonse Legros Anemones and Buttercups Apples Apples and Grapes Apples in a Basket on a Table Around the piano Asters and Fruit on a Table Asters in a Vase Autumn Autumn Bouquet Autumn Flowers Basket of Dahlias Basket of Flowers Basket of Peaches Basket of Roses Basket of White Grapes and Peaches Bath Bather Bathers Bathers by the Sea Bathers I Bathers II Bathsheba Betrothal Still Life Birth of Christ Bouquet of Diverse Flowers Bouquet of Flowers Bouquet of Flowers Pansies Bouquet of Peonies Bouquet of Peonies and Iris Bouquet of Roses Bouquet of Roses and Other Flowers Bouquet of White Chrysanthemums Bowl of Fruit Bowl of Fruit Bowl of Peaches Bowl of Roses Broom and Other Spring Flowers in a Vase Carafe Flowers and Fruit Carafe of Wine and Plate of Fruit on a White Tablecloth Carnations Carnations in a Champagne Glass Charlotte Dubourg Cherries and Almonds Chrysanthemums Chrysanthemums and Grapes Corner of a Table Corner of the Table Coucous Dahlias Dahlias in a Green Vase Dahlias, Queens Daisies, Roses and Corn Flowers Daisies Daisies and Dahlias Damnation of Faust: The Appearance of Marguerite Danae Dark Roses Dawn and Night Diana Diana and Her Handmaidens Diverse Flowers Drawing lesson in the workshop Dubourg Family Duchess de Fitz James Edouard Manet Embroiderers Evening Fairy Roses Fisheries in a Glass Cup a Dark Pink with Leaf Right Flowers Flowers and Fruit Flowers and Fruit on a Table Flowers and Fruit, a Melon Flowers Camelias and Tulips Flowers Dahlias and Gladiolas Flowers in a Bowl Flowers In A Clay Pot Flowers in a Vase Flowers in an Earthenware Vase Flowers Large Bouquet with Three Peonies Flowers of Middle Summer Flowers Poppies Flowers Roses Flowers Roses Marechal Neil Flowers, Bowl of Fruit and Pitcher Flowers, Chrysanthemums Flowers, Cyclamens Flowers, White Roses Four Peaches Geraniums Gladiolas and Roses Glass, Silver Goblet and Cup of Champagne Golgotha (after Veronese) Grapes and a Peach Head of a Young Girl Head of a Young Woman Hollyhocks Hollyhocks without Vase Homage to Delacroix Homage to Manet Hyacinths and Fruit Hydrangias, Cloves and Two Pots of Pansies Immortality Impatiens, Peaches and Apricots Japanese Anemones Jonquils and Nasturtiums Large Bouquet of Chrysanthemums Large Bouquet of Roses Large Vase of Dahlias and Assorted Flowers Larkspur |
Lemons, Apples and Tulips Life Roses and Fruit Lilacs Little East Madame Ditte Madame Leon Maitre Mademoiselle de Fitz James Marie Fantin Latour, the Artist's Sister Marie Yolande de Fitz James Mixed Flowers Morning Narcisses Hyacinths and Nasturtiums Narcisses in an Opaline Glass Vase Narcissus and Tulips Nasturtiums Nice roses Pansies Peach and Grapes Peaches Peaches and a Plum Peaches and Grapes Peaches in a Bowl Peonies Peonies in a Vase Petunias Plate of Apples Plate of Fruit Plate of Peaches Plums and Peaches Portrait of Manet Portrait of Sonia Portrait of Young Woman Queens Daisies Reader Reading Richard Wagner Rose Trees White Roses Roses Roses and Clematis Roses and Lilies Roses and Nasturtiums Roses and Nasturtiums in a Vase Roses in a Basket on a Table Roses in a Bowl Roses in a Glass Vase Roses in a Stemmed Glass Roses in a Tall Glass Roses in a Vase Roses in a White Porcelain Vase Roses Lying on Gold Velvet Roses, Fruit and a Glass of Wine Rosy Wealth of June Ruth Edwards Scene from Tannhäuser Self Portrait Siegfried and the Rhine Daughters Small Brunette Bather Spring Flowers Still Life Still Life with Flowers Still Life with Pansies Still Life with Peaches Studio in the Batignolles Study for Eve Study Homage to Delacroix Summer Flowers Sweet Peas in a Vase Temptation of St. Anthony The Bath The Bather The Embroiderers The Muse The Reader The Secret Three Rhine Maidens To Robert Schumann Torso and Flowers Truth Two Bathers Two Peaches and Two Plums Two Sisters Undine Vase of Dahlias Vase of Flowers Vase of Flowers Queens Daisies Vase of Hydrangeas and Ranunculus Vase of Peonies Vase of Peonies and Snowballs Vase of Roses Vase with Apples and Foliage Venus and Cupid White and Pink Roses White and Yellow Roses in a Tall Vase White Carnations White Cup and Saucer White Peonies and Roses, Narcissus White Phlox Summer Chrysanthemum and Larkspur White Rockets and Fruit White Roses White Roses and Cherries White Roses and Roses in a Footed Glass White Roses in a Green Vase White Roses in a Vase White Roses, Chrysanthemums in a Vase, Peaches and Grapes on a Table with a White Tablecloth Wildflowers Woman at Her Toillette Yellow and Red Roses Yellow Flowers Yellow Pink Roses in a Glass Vase Zinnias Zinnias in a Vase
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